Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Small Businesses Don't Play By the Rules

In these times where big companies are going under every second and everyone is relying on the small business to compensate for the lack of employment in this country, I often think why? I have worked for numerous small businesses and all the time they never play by the rules. What I mean in rules I mean that the owners often treat their employees as modern day slaves. Dangling their wages in front on their face as if to persuade them to act and do certain things that are beyond necessary in order for them to get paid OR get fired. Owners are also often stressed out, completely unaware that their actions can to cause a stir and their businesses can be in jeopardy. The unpaid holidays, no medical, no paid days off basically no work no pay no benefits. Work or die or just have less monies and no possible way to make it up. I hope this isn't what America is trying to turn us onto-working for small businesses? If that is the case they can shove it. So many small businesses don't have anything to offer except for a temporary job for the time being. That's it no more no less. Working for undesirable owners who don't even know how to treat a human being who works for them with dignity or respect and paying them when they feel like it. I say no to small businesses. I have been on that side for awhile because of the high demands for big time companies, but now since I am older I understand why they are the way they are. They do give the people working for them enough. It's just that some people at the top are greedy . Small companies have to give their employees something desirable in order for their employees to feel like this is a type of job that they can hold on to for awhile and not feel as if they are working for their right to have a decent meal a day. In 2012 we should be far ahead than where we are now. It's sad that we are scraping the near bottom to exist. 

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